Homes Wanted
- Type
- Bungalow
- Location
- Charleswood, St. James, St. Francois Xavier, Headingley
- Features
- Generous room sizes ideally and 3 or more bedrooms preferred.
- Price
- $580,000 or less
- Type
- No Preference
- Location
- Charleswood, River Heights, Tuxedo, Crescentwood
- Features
- Generous room sizes ideally and 4 or more bedrooms, and garage
- Price
- $500,000 – $800,000
- Type
- 2+ bedroom condominium, with underground parking and a balcony
- Location
- West Winnipeg, South Winnipeg, North East Winnipeg
- Price
- Under $600,000
- Type
- Acreage property
- Location
- Iles Des Chenes Ideally
- Price
- $500,000
- Features
- 1100 SF, shop is a bonus
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